Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Dominating the week

 When I stepped on the scale on Sunday morning, it said I was down almost three more pounds. That's nearly 40 pounds since Jan. 10. 

I feel good. The pants needed a new belt. And I am running better and longer than I have since my half-marathon days. 

I use an Apple Watch to keep track of my steps, move calories, exercise minutes and stand hours. 

Unofficially I set new personal records in exercise minutes on Tuesday and then had my second best day on Wednesday. 

On Tuesday, I went walked to the gym and then back home, which is one mile each. I walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes at the gym, then walked our dog with my daughter later in the day. That was a half-mile walk. After that, my daughter wanted to go further on our own. 

In total, I put in 91 exercise minutes, went eight miles and took 16,909 steps. 

Wednesday's workout included a 3.19 mile run around my neighborhood after my mile walk to the gym. That day included 75 exercise minutes, 15,812 steps and 8.3 total miles. 

This was all after going 58 exercise minutes, 13,269 steps and 6.4 miles on Monday. 

Things couldn't have started any better this week as far as exercise goes. I have done OK with the diet too. The breakfast, lunch and snacks side of things continue to go well. We cooked at home for supper on Monday, Aubrey and I got her traditional "Subway on Dance night" dinner on Tuesday and we ordered Montana Mikes on Wednesday. 

Just when I think I will have my first positive gain week of this process, it always ends well on that Sunday weigh in, 

This is conferences week for the wife so Aubrey and I will be together all day Thursday after she gets out of school at 1:30. I should be able to eat well all day and not over-eat.

I am glad things have started well on the exercise front this week after taking a day trip to my in-laws on Saturday. We had a little too much fun with the diet as we celebrated a birthday with ice cream. And I ate Chick Fil A on the drive home. 

So I needed to get off to a good start to hopefully shed those extra pounds. It was a fun day but eating out of my current comfort zone makes me a little nervous. I think I made up for it though. 

Unfortunately, the weather is supposed to turn back to chilly temperatures for about a week or so. That likely means less walks but the gym is always there when I need it in this situations. And my pre-cooked food should get me through the rest of the week. 

Wish me luck. And thanks for reading. 

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