Saturday, December 26, 2020

Trying something new

Hey guys.

It's been a while since my last blog post. Things were turned upside down at my day job as our newspaper again made some cuts that forced me into a one-person sports crew. So I haven't been this busy in several years. 

I also was trying to figure out where this blog should go. I could keep just typing about anything I want to talk about. 

But I think the best thing to do to try to grow it is to pick a focus point and stick with it for awhile. Maybe it will lead to something bigger. 

So, I have decided to go to what I know best and what I am most passionate about. And that's San Francisco 49ers football. 

My hope is to blog about games, offseason decisions, draft stuff and anything 49ers related. It will hopefully be fun and be something enough folks will be interested in. 

I listen to enough 49ers podcasts and watch enough YouTube pages geared around the 49ers that I should be able to provide enough material to keep the thing rolling. And when I learn something from someone else, I will be sure to attribute that to that person. 

Let's have some fun. And Let's Go Niners. 

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